Saturday (Aug 1st) I went hiking at South shore, it was really pretty there. We ended up at the beach cause that's where the trail lead us (by us I mean Rachel, Chelsey, Amanda, and I). We ended up meeting up with Ben Reidie and headed to the New Brighton Pier where we hung out for a while and watched the crazy Kiwi surfers try to catch some waves. But the waves weren't big enough to really surf on, and the water has to be freezing at this time of year. Actually I know for a fact that the water is freezing because I collected some shells from the beach and cleaned the off in the estuary that we were at. We saw some black and white birds at the estuary, we thought they were peguins but sadly they turned out to be petrals, a native New Zealand bird. In my frustration, I decided to chase after them and scare them off. At the pier we decided to get some ice cream, and found a local store that sold two scoop cones for $2 NZD which isn't bad at all. I had Jaffa flavor which was orange sherbert and chocolate mixed together kind of like dreamiscle but with chocolate instead. Saturday night was pretty chill, a bunch of us went for fish and chips! It was ok but I think I'll stick to Captain Ben's fries, unless Riccarton Fish Supply has better fish and chips altogether. We shall have to explore that option. Saturday night I hung out at flat 80 with a bunch of people and we had a good time. It started as a quiet night with friends and then turned into a party! Ha isn't that how it always is.
Sunday has somehow become a lazy day where I only do homework and nothing else. It kind of sucks cause I really like going out and exploring, especially since this country is beautiful. I finished my lab report for Monday, and then Sunday night I went and watched the Fifth Element with a group. It was good, and Bruce Willis was his typical self in the movie, what else can really be expected.
Monday through Friday was pretty boring as previously stated because I was doing research for my essay and then writing my essay. Although on Tuesday I did get to dissect a pigeon in lab. That was pretty cool! Birds have a weird internal layout but it makes sense for when they're flying. I did get to see a female pigeon that was full of eggs. The rest of the week was boring and long. I finished my essay and handed it in and then I went shopping on Friday with Rachel. We had an adventure of finding a swim suit considering it's still winter here but it's not like back in the states where the middle of winter hits and all the spring/summer stuff comes out. I found one but it cost me a pretty penny. Friday night I watched Monty Python and the Holy Grail with Ben who fell asleep at the end of the movie. I then had some homemade cookies. I forget what they were called, but you could taste how much butter was in them. I also booked my flight to Wellington for September when I go to the All Blacks game (Rugby).
Saturday I went to Hanmer Springs again. But this time it included a hike up to a scenic point. It was really pretty. The hike was about 20 minutes and it was weird cause I ended up in just a T-shirt that the top and I wasn't cold at all. I couldn't believe that it was the middle of winter and I was standing in a t-shirt. I took some pretty pictures, and I wish I could figure out how to get my panoramic pictures to combine in my PC but I haven't, so you'll just have to flip through them. After our hike we spent about two hours in the thermal pools and it was so relaxing. Before we went to the pools we went and had burgers at a local joint. It was so good! Mine had pineapple on it, next time I'm gonna try a Kiwi burger. This thing has so much on it, I don't know how I'm going to eat. Saturday night Gemma and I split a pizza and garlic bread from the pizza place in Ilam, cause they were having a special. It was good but a little small for two people and we got the large. After that we sat around Gemma's flat for a bit and played some games then we went out to town. I had a red russian for the first time, but I didn't like it cause when I looked at the receipe for it, the menu left out the coffee aspect of it. There was too much coffee for me, so I was disappointed. We ended up at Boogie Nights again, and it was a lot of fun! I just need to learn how to swing dance or something and then I'll be set.
Side story from Boogie Nights: One of the bar maids was serving this guy and two girls, and the guy was gonna pay her with a 50 but she either didn't have change for it or didn't want to give him that much change; so she was gonna make him pay in coins. Well he was taking too long to get the correct change, and so in her impatience she threw one of the drinks at the crowd in front of the bar. One of the girls didn't like this so she threw the beer that she was paying for back at the bar maid. Next thing I knew the two girls were running off and security was hustling the guy out the door. I thought for sure that they were gonna break his arms off for the way they were carrying him. Anyways I guess everything got straightened out or something but we left right after that so I really don't know.
Sunday was a good day. I spent the morning hanging out with Cole and making grilled cheese. After he left, I took a nap but I was still tired since I had only got 3 hours of sleep Saturday night (Cole and I watched Edward Scissor Hands). I wrote up my lab report and had dinner. I then went over to Gemma's to hang out and do some laundry. I went to bed after that.
Monday I went to get my YHA membership card, so I can stay in the hostels around New Zealand and Australia for a cheaper rate. After that I went to class and lab. In lab I worked out my left bicep for a bit cause we were doing a lab on EMG. EMG measures how much electricity your body puts out when it is contracting and relaxing. I had to do 3 bicep curls with 5kg (which is like 11 lbs.) it wasn't so bad the first couple times I did it but about the 5th or 6th time they made me do it, I was struggling. After that we did some testing on grip strength and muscle fatigue. It was an interesting lab. Tom bought the tickets for the All Blacks game, so I'm officially going to that =D.
Tuesday was ok, had class all day along with a lab. In lab, I got to look at all kinds of birds and learn about the different characteristics and features and adaptations of each one. Then last night I had planned on going to Quiz Night at the Foundry but I went and saw Coraline in 3D instead. It was good but a very creepy movie. I think the 3D aspect helped in that department. I was scared more in this movie than I have in a scary movie lately. After that I came home and went to bed.
Today was the same old thing but someone decided to turn winter back on. It had been nice lately and then today it was cold and cloudy. I hung out with Anita all day and then went to the library to find the research I need for my essay due next Friday. It's crazy break is in 2 weeks. I am not going to Fiji, instead I'm going to be doing a road trip tour of the South Island. It should be fun we're going to drive south then west and then north and end up in Nelson where some friends live, and spend the last week of break with them. It'll be a good time. I'm also probably going to Australia with Erica in November for a bit since she has free stay there. The family is definitely coming down at the end of November so that is exciting!!! They just have to figure out what they want to do when they get here.
Plans for the rest of the week: Costume shopping and playing poker tomorrow night, Operation friendship round 2 on Friday along with movie night. Saturday and Sunday is Bush Ball with the Tramping Club, it's disco themed so it should be a good time.
This was someone's mailbox...
The beach was littered with shells...
Puppy prints in the sand =D...
From left to right: Rachel, Chelsey and Amanda
Left to right: Ben, me, Rachel, Chelsey, and Amanda
This is George he was super friendly!
I really loved the fact that this boat was just sitting in the middle of the estuary.
More pictures to and from Hanmer Springs...
Ok so if you wanna see all of my pictures go to, search: ramgrl07 and then go to the album Kia Ora New Zealand.
I will try to update more often since I have been "yelled" at for not updating.
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