So I arrived yesterday, July 8th at like 8:30 a.m. in Christchurch. It took about half hour to get through customs and then I waited for about 15 mins for the taxi to pick me up. The plane rides were tough but I slept through the long one (12 hours), so that help but I was still exhausted. I missed half of orientation yesterday but made the second half, which was ok but I have to go to the whole thing all over again next wednesday. I met 3 out of 4 of my flatmates and we hit it off right away which was nice. I live with 3 guys and 1 girl, the guys are from India, Swizterland, and New York and the girl is from New Zealand. So I get to live with at least one Kiwi! We had a party last night and I got to meet a bunch of people from all over, which was awesome. There were some Brits, a couple from Eastern Europe and other places.
The weather here feels more like fall into winter weather than complete winter weather. It's was sunny today but it was weird cause the sun always look like it was setting. Even in the morning it looks like it's setting instead of rising. I have the sunniest room in the flat which is nice cause it'll always be warm during the day.
I have a single room to myself which is nice. I have a closet with a bunch of shelves, a desk, a bed, and two bulletin boards, which hopefully will be full of pictures soon. The flat I live in has two bathrooms, a kitchen, and a living room.
Today I enrolled and it went smoothly I got all my classes so I have that to look forward to on Monday. I went and got a metro card (a bus card), a sim card for a New Zealand number, but it's not activated yet. I also went shopping and sort of figured out the bus system down here. It was a productive day for the most part. I'm still super tired even though I took an hour nap. I don't know if I'll go out tonight I might just call it an early night and get a good night's sleep. Who knows. Let's see what else can I tell you. I have become a pro at blowing fuses down here. The first time was yesterday when I tired to plug in my powerstrips. Bad idea! The whole flat lost power. Oops! And then this morning I plugged my blow dryer in and blew that up too. So I had to go buy a new one.
I'm pretty much set on going to Fiji for at least a week over Spring Break, even though it's just called break. I have two weeks off and I'm debating what to do with the other week, could go to Austraila, could go visit the soon to be newlyweds in Japan, who knows. Found out that the family's coming down the later part of November. That will be fun, and I should be knowledgable by then of the Islands and where to go.
That's all I have for now.
Some words to know
chilly bin - cooler
sweet as - no way?
Here's some pictures of my room.

The weather here feels more like fall into winter weather than complete winter weather. It's was sunny today but it was weird cause the sun always look like it was setting. Even in the morning it looks like it's setting instead of rising. I have the sunniest room in the flat which is nice cause it'll always be warm during the day.
I have a single room to myself which is nice. I have a closet with a bunch of shelves, a desk, a bed, and two bulletin boards, which hopefully will be full of pictures soon. The flat I live in has two bathrooms, a kitchen, and a living room.
Today I enrolled and it went smoothly I got all my classes so I have that to look forward to on Monday. I went and got a metro card (a bus card), a sim card for a New Zealand number, but it's not activated yet. I also went shopping and sort of figured out the bus system down here. It was a productive day for the most part. I'm still super tired even though I took an hour nap. I don't know if I'll go out tonight I might just call it an early night and get a good night's sleep. Who knows. Let's see what else can I tell you. I have become a pro at blowing fuses down here. The first time was yesterday when I tired to plug in my powerstrips. Bad idea! The whole flat lost power. Oops! And then this morning I plugged my blow dryer in and blew that up too. So I had to go buy a new one.
I'm pretty much set on going to Fiji for at least a week over Spring Break, even though it's just called break. I have two weeks off and I'm debating what to do with the other week, could go to Austraila, could go visit the soon to be newlyweds in Japan, who knows. Found out that the family's coming down the later part of November. That will be fun, and I should be knowledgable by then of the Islands and where to go.
That's all I have for now.
Some words to know
chilly bin - cooler
sweet as - no way?
Here's some pictures of my room.
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